
Registered Voters

People who are registered voters.

Criterion RegisteredVoter

  • Yes - People who are registered voters.
  • No - People who are not registered voters.


  • RegisteredRegion - Optional - People who are registered in a specific region
  • RegisteredCounty - Optional - Requires RegisteredRegion filter - People who are registered in a specific county
  • RegisteredVoterStatus - Optional - People who have a specific registration status ("Active", "Inactive", or "Unknown")
  • RegisteredDate - Optional - People who registered to vote in a specific date range
  • RegisteredPoliticalParty - Optional - People who are registered with a specific political party


People who are registered voters in Cook County, Illinois:

(RegisteredVoter = "Yes", RegisteredRegion = "Illinois", RegisteredCounty = "Cook")

People who are registered to vote and have an active status:

(RegisteredVoter = "Yes", RegisteredVoterStatus = "Active")

People who registered Democrat in 2017:

(RegisteredVoter = "Yes", RegisteredPoliticalParty = "Democrat", RegisteredDate = [2017-01-01, 2017-12-31])

Registered Political Party

People who are registered to a specific political party, this information is not available in every state.

Criterion RegisteredParty

This will take values dependent on your available information.


People who registered to vote in Democratic primaries:

(RegisteredParty = "Democratic")

Voting History

People who have voted in a specific election.

Criterion VoteHistory

  • Yes - This individual has a record of voting or not
  • No - This individual has a record of not voting or not


  • Election - Optional - The specific election we're looking for people to have a vote record in
  • VoteHistoryVoted - Optional - People who've specifically voted or not
  • Early - Requires VoteHistoryVoted filter - Optional - People who have voted early, when combined with Election looks only for people who voted early in that election
  • Absentee - Requires VoteHistoryVoted filter - Optional - People who voted absentee, when combined with Election looks only for people who voted absentee in that election
  • ElectionParty - Requires VoteHistoryVoted filter - Optional - People who cast a ballot for a specific party in a primary, when combined with Election looks for only people who voted in that election, may conflict if it's not a primary


People who've voted absentee in a primary:

(VoteHistory = "Yes", VoteHistoryVoted = "Yes", Absentee = "Yes")

People who have a vote record in the 2012 Illinois General election:

(VoteHistory = "Yes", Election = "2012 Illinois General")

People who've voted republican and early - not necessarily in the same election:

(VoteHistory = "Yes", VoteHistoryVoted = "Yes", ElectionParty = "Republican", Early = "Yes")


People who live in a specific state district.

Criterion Statewide

This will take values dependent on your available information.


People who live in Michigan:

(Statewide = "Illinois")

Congressional District

People who live in a specific Congressional district.

Criterion Congressional

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that the city lies in.


People who live in Congressional district 09 Township in Illinois:

(Congressional = "09", Statewide = "Illinois")

State Upper House

People who live in a specific state upper house district.

Criterion StateUpperHouse

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that the city lies in.


People who live in the state upper house district 48 in Illinois:

(StateUpperHouse = "48", Statewide = "Illinois")

State Lower House

People who live in a specific state lower house district.

Criterion StateLowerHouse

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that the city lies in.


People who live in the state lower house district 062 in Illinois:

(StateLowerHouse = "062", Statewide = "Illinois")

State Board of Education

People who live in a specific state board of education district.

Criterion StateBoardOfEducation

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that the board of education lies in.


People who live in the state board of education district 843 in Maryland:

(StateBoardOfEducation = "843", Statewide = "Maryland")


People who live in a specific citywide district.

Criterion Citywide

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that the citywide district lies in.


People who live in the Chicago, Illinois political district:

(Citywide = "Chicago", Statewide = "Illinois")

City District

People who live in a specific city district.

Criterion CityDistrict

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that the city district lies in
  • Citywide - Required - The citywide district that this is a district of


People who live in the "Decatur 4" city district in Decatur, Illinois:

(CityDistrict = "Decatur 4", Citywide = "Decatur", Statewide = "Illinois")

City Subdistrict

People who live in a specific city subdistrict

Criterion CitySubdistrict

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that this district lies in
  • Citywide - Required - The citywide district that this is a district of


People who live in the "Lincoln Land CC 526 Dist 5" city subdistrict in Lincoln Land, Illinois:

(CityDistrict = "Lincoln Land CC 526 Dist 5", Citywide = "Lincoln Land", Statewide = "Illinois")


People who live in a specific ward.

Criterion Ward

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that this district lies in
  • Citywide - Required - The citywide district that this is a district of


People who live in the ward 4 city subdistrict in Chicago, Illinois:

(Ward = "4", Citywide = "Chicago", Statewide = "Illinois")


People who live in a specific county.

Criterion Countywide

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that the county lies in.


People who live in the Cook, Illinois political district:

(Countywide = "Cook", Statewide = "Illinois")

County Commissioner District

People who live in a specific county commissioner district.

Criterion CountyCommissioner

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that this district lies in.
  • Countywide - Required - The county district that the district lies in.


People who live in county commissioner district 2 in Cook County, Illinois:

(CountyCommissioner = "2", Countywide = "Cook", Statewide = "Illinois")

Judicial District

People who live in a specific judicial district.

Criterion JudicialDistrict

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that the city lies in.


People who live in the Judicial district 18 in Illinois:

(JudicialDistrict = "18", Statewide = "Illinois")


People who live in a certain precinct.

Criterion Precinct

This will takes values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that contains the precincts we're looking for
  • Countywide - Required - The county district that contains the precincts we're looking for


People who live in precinct 7 in Cook County, Illinois:

(Precinct = "7", Statewide = "Illinois", Countywide = "Cook")

School District

People who live in a specific school district

Criterion SchoolDistrict

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that this district lies in.


People who live in "Scott County Schools 2" in Illinois:

(SchoolDistrict = "Scott County Schools 2", Statewide = "Illinois")

High School District

People who live in a specific high school district

Criterion HighSchoolDistrict

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that this district lies in.
  • Countywide - Required - The county district that the district lies in.


People who live in "Warren Township High Sch Dist 121" in Lake County, Illinois:

(HighSchoolDistrict = "Warren Township High Sch Dist 121", Countywide = "Lake", Statewide = "Illinois")

Community College District

People who live in a specific community college district.

Criterion CommunityCollege

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that this district lies in.


People who live in "City Colleges of Chicago 508" in Illinois:

(CommunityCollege = "City Colleges of Chicago 508", Statewide = "Illinois")

Library District

People who live in a specific library district.

Criterion LibraryDistrict

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that the city lies in.


People who live in the Northlake Public Library District in Illinois:

(LibraryDistrict = "Northlake Public Library District", Statewide = "Illinois")

Park District

People who live in a specific park district.

Criterion ParkDistrict

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that the city lies in.


People who live in Chicago Park District in Illinois:

(ParkDistrict = "Chicago Park District", Statewide = "Illinois")


People who live in a township.

Criterion Township

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that the city lies in.


People who live in French Lick Township in Indiana:

(Township = "French Lick", Statewide = "Indiana")


People who live in a specific village district.

Criterion Village

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that the city lies in.


People who live in the village of Gurnee, Illinois political district:

(Village = "Village of Gurnee", Statewide = "Illinois")

Utility District

People who live in a specific utility district.

Criterion UtilityDistrict

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that this district lies in.
  • Countywide - Required - The county district that the district lies in.


People who live in "Lost Lake Utility" in Ogle County, Illinois:

(UtilityDistrict = "Lost Lake Utility", Countywide = "Ogle", Statewide = "Illinois")

Sewer District

People who live in a specific sewer district.

Criterion SewerDistrict

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that this district lies in.
  • Countywide - Required - The county district that the district lies in.


People who live in "RU Twp Solid Waste Dspl" in Kane County, Illinois:

(SewerDistrict = "RU Twp Solid Waste Dspl", Countywide = "Kane", Statewide = "Illinois")

Sanitation District

People who live in a specific sanitation district.

Criterion SanitationDistrict

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that the city lies in.


People who live in "North Shore Sanitary District" in Illinois:

(SanitationDistrict = "North Shore Sanitary District", Statewide = "Illinois")

Water District

People who live in a specific water district.

Criterion WaterDistrict

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that the city lies in.


People who live in "Mahomet Aquifer Water Authority" in Illinois:

(WaterDistrict = "Mahomet Aquifer Water Authority", Statewide = "Illinois")

Flood District

People who live in a specific flood district.

Criterion FloodDistrict

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that this flood zone lies in.


People who live in the "7" flood district in Illinois:

(FloodDistrict = "7", Statewide = "Illinois")

Watershed District

People who live in a specific watershed district.

Criterion WatershedDistrict

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that this district lies in.
  • Countywide - Required - The county district that this district lies in.


People who live in "Bay Creek Watershed District" in Pike County, Illinois:

(WatershedDistrict = "Bay Creek Watershed District", Countywide = "Pike", Statewide = "Illinois")

Fire District

People who live in a specific fire district

Criterion FireDistrict

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that this district lies in.


People who live in "Northlake Fire Protection District" in Illinois:

(FireDistrict = "Northlake Fire Protection District", Statewide = "Illinois")

Road District

People who live in a specific road district

Criterion RoadDistrict

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that this district lies in.
  • Countywide - Required - The county district that the district lies in.


People who live in "Road District No. 6" in Monroe County, Illinois:

(RoadDistrict = "Road District No. 6", Countywide = "Monroe", Statewide = "Illinois")

Hospital District

People who live in a specific hospital district.

Criterion HospitalDistrict

This will take values dependent on your available information and supplied filters.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that this district lies in.
  • Countywide - Required - The county district that the district lies in.


People who live in "Illini Hospital" in Lake County, Illinois:

(HospitalDistrict = "Illini Hospital", Countywide = "Lake", Statewide = "Illinois")

Census Tract

People who live in a specific Census tract.

Criterion CensusTract

This will take values dependent on your available information.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that this district lies in.
  • Countywide - Required - The county district that the district lies in.


People who live in Census tract 1776 in Cook County, Illinois

(CensusTract = "1776", Statewide = "Illinois", Countywide = "Cook")

Census Block Group

People who live in a specific census block group.

Criterion CensusBlockGroup

This will take values dependent on your available information.


  • Statewide - Required - The state district that this district lies in
  • Countywide - Required - The county district that the district lies in
  • CensusTract - Required - The census tract that the district lies in


People who live in Census block group 1700 in Census tract 1776 in Cook County, Illinois

(CensusBlockGroup = "1700", Statewide = "Illinois", Countywide = "Cook", CensusTract = "1776")

Nielsen Designated Market Area

People who live in a specific Nielsen designated market area.

Criterion NDMA

This will take values dependent on your available information.


People who live in the Nielsen designated market area 1776:

(NDMA = "1776")

Issue Stance

People who have taken a stance on a wedge issue.

Criterion Issue

This criterion takes values dependent on the available data.


  • Position - Optional - People who have taken a specific position on the issue


People who have taken a stance on gun rights:

(Issue = "Gun Rights")

People who are pro-choice:

(Issue = "Abortion", Position = "Pro-choice")

Legislation Position

People who have taken a stance on a piece of legislation.

Criterion LegislationPosition

People who have taken a position on legislation


  • LegislationPositionDate - Optional - People who took a position on legislation within a specific date range
  • LegislationDistrict - Optional - The political district where the stance was taken
  • GovernmentalBody - Requires LegislationDistrict filter - Optional - The governmental body the legislation is being considered in
  • Legislation - Requires LegislationDistrict filter - Optional - The piece of legislation under debate
  • LegislationStance - Requires Legislation filter - Optional - The stance taken on the legislation


People who have taken a positive stance on bill 865 in Illinois State Senate:

(LegislationPosition = "Yes", LegislationDistrict = "Illinois", GovernmentalBody = "Illinois State Senate", Legislation = "Bill 865", LegislationStance = "Pro")

People who took a position on legislation in 2017:

(LegislationPosition = "Yes", LegislationPositionDate = [2017-01-01, 2017-12-31])