
Address Exists

People for whom you know their address.

Criterion AddressExists

  • Yes - People who we know their address
  • No - People who we do not know their address


  • AddressUsable - Optional - People for whom their address is usable for marketing purposes.
  • AddressLocation - Optional - People for whom their address is a specific type.
  • FullAddress - Optional - People for whom they have a street address
  • AddressCountry - Optional - People who live in a specific country
  • AddressRegion - Optional - People who live in a specific region
  • AddressCounty - Requires AddressRegion filter - Optional - People who live in a specific county
  • AddressCity - Requires AddressRegion filter - Optional - People who live in a specific city
  • AddressPostalCode - Optional - People who live in a specific postal code


People whose address we know:

(AddressExists = "Yes")

People whose address we know, and we can send them direct mail:

(AddressExists = "Yes", AddressUsable = "Yes")

People whose address we know, and it is their personal address:

(AddressExists = "Yes", AddressLocation = "Personal")

People whose street address we know:

(AddressExists = "Yes", FullAddress = "Yes")

People who live in France:

(AddressExists = "Yes", AddressCountry = "FRA")

People who live in Chicago, Illinois:

(AddressExists = "Yes", AddressRegion = "Illinois", AddressCity = "Chicago")

People who live in Cook County, Illinois:

(AddressExists = "Yes", AddressRegion = "Illinois", AddressCounty = "Cook")

People who live in postal code 60637:

(AddressExists = "Yes", AddressPostalCode = "60637")

Geographical Polygon

Allows you to find people within a polygon on a map.

Criterion Polygon

This takes a GeoJSON encoded polygon string.


People who live within the polygon bounded by the latitude, and longitude points [0, 0], [80, 0], [80, 40], [0, 40]:

(Polygon = "[[[0,0], [80,0], [80,40], [0,40]]]")

Email Exists

People for whom you know their email address.

Criterion EmailExists

  • Yes - People who we know their email address
  • No - People who we do not know their email address


  • EmailUsable - People for whom their email is usable for marketing purposes.
  • EmailContact - People for whom their email is a specific type.


People whose email address we know:

(EmailExists = "Yes")

People whose email address we know, and we can send them email:

(EmailExists = "Yes", EmailUsable = "Yes")

People whose email address we know, and it is their personal email address:

(EmailExists = "Yes", EmailContact = "Personal")

Phone Exists

People for whom you know their phone number.

Criterion PhoneExists

  • Yes - People who we know their phone number
  • No - People who we do not know their phone number


  • PhoneUsable - People for whom their phone number is usable for marketing purposes.
  • PhoneType - People for whom their phone is a specific type.
  • PhoneContact - People for whom their phone number is a specific type.


People whose phone number we know:

(PhoneExists = "Yes")

People whose phone number we know, and we can call them:

(PhoneExists = "Yes", PhoneUsable = "Yes")

People whose phone number we know, and it is their mobile phone type:

(PhoneExists = "Yes", PhoneType = "Landline")

People whose phone number we know, and it is their professional number:

(PhoneExists = "Yes", PhoneContact = "Professional")

Name Exists

People for whom you know their name.

Criterion NameExists

  • Yes - People who we know their name
  • No - People who we do not know their name


People whose name we know:

(NameExists = "Yes")

External ID Exists

People for whom you know an external ID.

Criterion ExternalIDExists

  • Yes - People who we know an external ID
  • No - People who we do not know an external ID


  • ExternalIDService - Optional - People who we know an external ID for in a specific service
  • ExternalIDValue - Optional - Requires ExternalIDService filter - People who we know a specific ID for in a specific service


People who we have a MailChimp for:

(ExternalIDExists = "Yes", ExternalIDService = "MailChimp")

People who have a MailChimp ID of abcd1234:

(ExternalIDExists = "Yes", ExternalIDService = "MailChimp", ExternalIDValue = "abcd1234")

Has Payment Card

People for whom you have payment card information.

Criterion HasPaymentCard

  • Yes - People for whom we have a payment card
  • No - People for whom we do not have a payment card


  • PaymentCardExpiration - Optional - People with a payment card expiring in the specified date range
  • PaymentCardProcessor - Optional - People with a payment card processed by the specified service
  • PaymentCardFunding - Optional - People with a payment card of the specified funding type
  • PaymentCardIssuer - Optional - People with a payment card issued by the specified issuer


People with a card processed by Stripe

(HasPaymentCard = "Yes", PaymentCardProcessor = "Stripe")

People with a Visa Debit card expiring before 2020

(HasPaymentCard = "Yes", PaymentCardExpiration = [*, 2020-01-01], PaymentCardFunding = "Debit", PaymentCardIssuer = "Visa")