

Allows segmenting people based on their age

Criterion: Age

Age accepts a number range, represented in bracket notation. For people under a certain age, the lower bound should be 0. To find people above a certain age, the upper bound should be 0.


People who are exactly 42:

(Age = 42)

People who are above the age of 64:

(Age = [64, *])

People who are between the ages of 18 and 25:

(Age = [18, 25])


Segments people by their gender.

Criterion: Gender

  • Male - Finds men
  • Female - Finds women


People who are men

(Gender = "Male")


Segments people based on their religion.

Criterion: Ethnicity

Segments people who are identified by the following ethnicity:

  • White
  • Black
  • Asian
  • Hispanic
  • Native American
  • Pacific Islander
  • Other


People who are Hispanic:

(Ethnicity = "Hispanic")

Marital Status

Segments people based on their relationship status

Criterion: MaritalStatus

  • Single - Finds people who are single
  • Married - Finds people who are married
  • Divorced - Finds people who are divorced
  • Widowed - Finds people who are widowed
  • Separated - Finds people who are married, but currently separated from their spouse
  • Domesitcally Partnered - People who are in a domestic partnership


People who are married:

(MaritalStatus = "Married")


People who have children

Criterion: Children

  • Yes - People who have children
  • No - People who do not have children


  • ChildAge - Optional - Takes in a number range that is the age of a child in the house
  • ChildGender - Optional - Takes in the same options as the top level Gender criterion, segments down on child gender


People who do not have children:

(Children = "No")

People who has a child between the ages of 12 and 18:

(Children = "Yes", ChildAge = [12, 18])

People who have a male child:

(Children = "Yes", ChildGender = "Male")


People who have completed a certain level of education

Criterion: EducationExists

  • Yes - People who have an education record
  • No - People who do no have an education record


  • EducationLevel - Optional - Takes in the level of education completed
  • GraduationYear - Optional - Takes a number range that indicates graduation years
  • Institution - Optional - Takes in the name of an institution that the education was completed at


People who have completed college:

(EducationExists = "Yes", EducationLevel = "Undergraduate")

People who have completed college after 1995:

(EducationExists = "Yes", EducationLevel = "Undergraduate", GraduationYear = [1995, *])

People who completed a graduate degree at Harvard University between the years of 1990 and 2000:

(EducationExists = "Yes", EducationLevel = "Graduate", GraduationYear = [1990, 2000], Institution = "Harvard University")

People who completed an undergraduate degree in Psychology:

(EducationExists = "Yes", EducationLevel = "Undergraduate", Field = "Psychology")

Current Student

People who are currently students.

Criterion: CurrentStudent

  • Yes - Finds people who are currently a student
  • No - Finds people who are currently not a student


People who are currently a student:

(CurrentStudent = "Yes")

Dwelling Ownership

Segments people based on whether they own or rent their dwelling.

Criterion: DwellingOwnership

  • Own - People who own their home
  • Rent - People who rent their home


People who own their dwelling:

(DwellingOwnership = "Own")

Dwelling Type

Segments people based on what type of dwelling they live in.

Criterion DwellingType

  • House - People who live in a house
  • Apartment - People who live in an apartment
  • Mobile Home - People who live in a mobile home
  • Condo - People who live in a condominium


People who live in an apartment:

(DwellingType = "Apartment")

Dwelling Value

A number range that segments people based on the value of their dwelling

Criterion DwellingValue

Takes in a number range for the value of the dwelling.


People who live in a dwelling worth more than $500,000:

(DwellingValue = [500000, *])

Dwelling Years Lived

A number range that segments people based on the number of years they've lived in their dwelling

Criterion DwellingYearsLived

Takes in a number range for the years lived in the dwelling.


People who've lived in a dwelling for more than 5 years:

(DwellingYearsLived = [5, *])

Occupation Exists

Segmenting down on people who have occupation data

Criterion: OccupationExists

  • Yes - People who have an occupation record
  • No - People who do not have an occupation record


  • OccupationEmployed - Optional - People who are currently employed
  • OccupationEmployer - Optional - People who are employed by a specific employer
  • OccupationTitle - Optional - People who are employed with a specific title
  • OccupationIndustry - Optional - People who are employed in a specific industry
  • OccupationSalary - Optional - People who are employed earning a specific salary range
  • OccupationStartDate - Optional - People who started a job during a specific date range
  • OccupationEndDate - Optional - People who ended a job during a specific date range


People who are currently employed as a project manager:

(OccupationExists = "Yes", OccupationEmployed = "Yes", OccupationTitle = "Project Manager")

People who are employed making over $100,000:

(OccupationExists = "Yes", OccupationSalary = [100000, *])

People who are employed by Crowdskout in Technology:

(OccupationExists = "Yes", OccupationEmployer = "Crowdskout", OccupationIndustry = "Technology")

People who started and ended a job in 2015:

(OccupationExists = "Yes", OccupationStartDate = [2015-01-01, 2015-12-31], OccupationEndDate = [2015-01-01, 2015-12-31])

Business Owner

People who consider themselves business owners.

Criterion: BusinessOwner

  • Yes - Finds people who are a business owner
  • No - Finds people who are not a business owner


People who consider themselves a business owner:

(BusinessOwner = "Yes")

Annual Income

Allows segmenting people based on their income

Criterion: Income

Income accepts a number range, represented in bracket notation. For people under a certain income, the lower bound should be 0. To find people above a certain income, the upper bound should be 0.


People who make less than $25,000 a year

(Income = [*, 25000])

People who make more than $100,000:

(Income = [100000, *])

People who make between $50,000 and $100,000:

(Income = [50000, 100000])

Net Worth

Allows segmenting people based on their net worth

Criterion: NetWorth

Net worth accepts a number range, represented in bracket notation. For people under a certain net worth, the lower bound should be 0. To find people above a certain net worth, the upper bound should be 0.


People who are worth exactly $10,000:

(NetWorth = 10000)

People who are worth more than $100,000:

(NetWorth = [100000, *])

People who are worth between $50,000 and $100,000:

(NetWorth = [50000, 100000])

Head of Household

People who are the head of their household

Criterion HeadOfHousehold

  • Yes - People who are the head of their household
  • No - People who are not the head of their household


People who are the head of their household:

(HeadOfHousehold = "Yes")

General Interest

People who have shown interest in a specific topic.

Criterion Interest

This criterion takes values dependent on the available data.


People who are interested in football:

(Interest = "Football")

People who are interested in politics:

(Interest = "Politics")


People who speak a specific language.

Criterion: Language

Languages are populated based on available data.


People who speak Spanish:

(Language = "Spanish")


Segments people by their religion.

Criterion: Religion

This criterion populates based on the available data.


People who are Catholic:

(Religion = "Catholic")


People who have previously served in the armed services.

Criterion: Veteran

  • Yes - Finds people who are a veteran
  • No - Finds people who are not a veteran


People who are not veterans:

(Veteran = "No")


People who have passed.

Criterion Deceased

  • Yes - People who are deceased
  • No - People who are not deceased


  • DeceasedDate - Optional - People who passed within the date range


People who have passed:

(Deceased = "Yes")

People who passed in 2016:

(Deceased = "Yes", DeceasedDate = [2016-01-01, 2016-12-31])


People who have an investment

Criterion Investment

  • Yes - People who have an investment record
  • No - People who do not have an investment record


  • InvestmentActive - Optional - People who have an active investment
  • InvestmentAmount - Optional - People who have an investment record of a specific amount
  • InvestmentTopic - Optional - People who have an investment record in a specific industry or area


People who are active investors in "Technology":

(Investment = "Yes", InvestmentActive = "Yes", InvestmentTopic = "Technology")

People who have an old investment record in excess of $100,000:

(Investment = "Yes", InvestmentActive = "No", InvestmentAmount" = [100000, *])