
IP Address Exists

People for whom we have an IP address

Criterion IPAddressExists

  • Yes - People we have an IP address for
  • No - People we do not have an IP address for


  • IPCountry - Optional - People whose IP address indicates a specific country
  • IPRegion - Requires IPCountry filter - Optional - People whose IP address indicates a specific region
  • IPCity - Requires IPRegion filter - Optional - People whose IP address indicates a specific city
  • IPCounty - Requires IPRegion filter - Optional - People whose IP address indicates a specific county
  • IPPostalCode - Requires IPCountry filter - Optional People whose IP address indicates a specific postal code


People who've digitally visited from the United States Of America:

(IPAddressExists = "Yes", IPCountry = "United States Of America")

People who've digitally visited from Chicago, Illinois:

(IPAddressExists = "Yes", IPCountry = "United States Of America", IPRegion = "Illinois", IPCity = "Chicago")

People who've digitally visited from postal code 60637:

(IPAddressExists = "Yes", IPCountry = "United States Of America", IPPostalCode = "60637")

Social Media Account Exists

People who have a Social Media Account.

Criterion SocialMediaAccountExists

  • Yes - People who we know have a Social Media Account
  • No - People who we do not know have a Social Media Account


  • SocialMediaAccountNetwork - Optional - People with a social media account at a specific network
  • SocialMediaAccountID - Requires SocialMediaAccountNetwork filter - Optional - People with a social media account with a specific ID
  • SocialMediaAccountNickname - Requires SocialMediaAccountNetwork filter - Optional - People with a social media account with a specific nickname
  • SocialMediaAccountURL - Requires SocialMediaAccountNetwork filter - Optional - People with a social media account with a specific URL


People whose Facebook account we know:

(SocialMediaAccountExists = "Yes", SocialMediaAccountNetwork = "Facebook")

People with a Twitter account with the handle @georgeyatesiii:

(SocialMediaAccountExists = "Yes", SocialMediaAccountNetwork = "Twitter", SocialMediaAccountNickname = "georgeyatesiii")

People with a Facebook ID of "abcd1234" and a URL at ""

(SocialMediaAccountExists = "Yes", SocialMediaAccountNetwork = "Facebook", SocialMediaAccountID = "abcd1234", SocialMediaAccountURL = "")