
Engagement Score

Score representing how engaged people are in an organization

Criterion EngagementScore

EngagementScore accepts a number range, represented in bracket notation. For people under a EngagementScore, the lower bound should be 0. To find people above a EngagementScore, the upper bound should be 0.


People who are moderately engaged in an organization:

(EngagementScore = [40, 70])

People who are very engaged in an organization:

(EngagementScore = [70, *]

Political Score

Score representing people's political orientation

Criterion PoliticalScore

This will take one of two strings representing the political orientation, "Republican" or "Democrat"


  • PoliticalScoreValue - Required - Number range represented in bracket notation from 0 to 100. Higher scores represent closer orientation with the political party.


Republican-Leaning Independent political orientation

(PoliticalScore = "Republican", PoliticalScoreValue = [1, 20])

Democrat political orientation

(PoliticalScore = "Democrat", PoliticalScoreValue = [20, 100])

Custom Score Attribute

The custom criteria that can hold a custom numeric score value about a particular user.

Criterion CustomScore

This will take a value that is equal to the name of a custom attribute.


  • Value - Optional - Accepts a number range, represented in bracket notation. For people under a certain value, the lower bound should be 0. To find people above a certain value, the upper bound should be 0.


People who have been scored as having a Phone Engagement Level of 15:

(CustomScore = "Phone Engagement Level", Value = 15)

People who've been marked as having a Phone Engagement Level higher than 2:

(CustomScore = "Phone Engagement Level", Value = [2,*])

People who've been marked as having a Phone Engagement Level lower than 5:

(CustomScore = "Phone Engagement Level", Value = [*,5])