
Advocacy Contact

People who have contacted their legislator

Criterion AdvocacyContact

  • Yes - People who have contacted their legislator
  • No - People who have not contacted their legislator


  • AdvocacyContactLegislator - Optional - People who contacted a specific legislator
  • AdvocacyContactMethod - Optional - People who contacted their legislator using a specific contact method
  • AdvocacyContactDatetime - Optional - People who contacted their legislator during a provided datetime range
  • AdvocacyContactPosition - Requires the AdvocacyContactIssue filter - Optional - People who have a position on an issue
  • AdvocacyContactService - Optional - People who contacted their legislator through a specific service
  • AdvocacyContactIssue - Optional - People who contacted their legislator for a specific issue category
  • AdvocacyContactEffort - Optional - People who contacted their legislator as part of an effort
  • AdvocacyContactSpecificIssue - Optional - People who contacted their legislator for a specific bill or issue
  • :Campaign - Optional - People who contacted their legislator as part of a specific Crowdskout campaign


People who contacted their legislator over email:

(AdvocacyContact = "Yes", AdvocacyContactMethod = "Email")

People who contact Mitch McConnell during February 2017:

(AdvocacyContact = "Yes", AdvocacyContactLegislator = "Mitch McConnell", AdvocacyContactDatetime = [2017-02-01,2017-02-28])

People who contact Mitch McConnell to support TPP:

(AdvocacyContact = "Yes", AdvocacyContactLegislator = "Mitch McConnell", AdvocacyContactIssue = "TPP", AdvocacyContactPosition = "Support")

People who contact Mitch McConnell as a part of the "TPP Action 2017" Crowdskout campaign

(AdvocacyContact = "Yes", AdvocacyContactLegislator = "Mitch McConnell", :Campaign = "TPP Action 2017")


People who have had a conversation started with them

Criterion Conversation

  • Yes - People who have had a conversation started with them
  • No - People who have not had a conversation started with them


  • :Campaign - Optional - The Crowdskout campaign that the conversation was initiated under
  • ConversationEffort - Optional - People who have conversation efforts under a specified conversation effort
  • ConversationDatetime - Optional - People who have conversations that were initiated during a provided datetime range
  • ConversationOrganization - Optional - People who have had conversations with a particular organization
  • ConversationService - Optional - People who have conversations that were initiated through a particular service
  • ConversationSender - Optional - Conversations started by a particular individual
  • ConversationReceiver - Optional - Conversations received by a particular individual
  • ConversationMedium - Optional - People who have conversations under a specific utm medium tag
  • ConversationUnsubscribes - Optional - Conversations that have been unsubscribed from
  • ConversationUnsubscribeDatetime - Requires the ConversationUnsubscribes filter - Optional - Conversations that have been unsubscribed to during a provided datetime range
  • ConversationClicks - Optional - People who have conversations that have been clicked
  • ConversationClickDatetime - Requires the ConversationClicks filter - Optional - Conversations that have been clicked to during a provided datetime range
  • ConversationMessageSender - Optional - Conversations sent from a specific sender
  • ConversationMessageReceiver - Optional - Conversations received by a particular person
  • ConversationMessageReadReceipt - Optional - People who have conversations that have been read
  • ConversationReplied - Optional - People who have conversations that have been replied to
  • ConversationMessageBounceNotice - Optional - People who have conversations that have bounced
  • ConversationMessageDelivered - Optional - People who have conversations that have delivered receipts
  • ConversationMessageDatetime - Optional - People who have conversations that were initiated on a specific date


People who have conversations under a specific campaign:

(Conversation = "Yes", :Campaign = "Test Campaign")

People who have conversations that were initiated during a specified time:

(Conversation = "Yes", ConversationDatetime = [ 2018-10-01T10:35:19-04:00, 2018-10-21T10:35:19-04:00 ])

People who have conversations that they have unsubscribed from:

(Conversation = "Yes", ConversationUnsubscribes = "Yes")

People who have conversations they have replied to

(Conversation = "Yes", ConversationReplied = "Yes")

Direct Mailers

Segments people who've received a direct mailer.

Criterion DirectMail

  • Yes - People who've ever received a direct mail piece
  • No - People who've never received a direct mail piece


  • DirectMailType - Optional - People who were sent a mailer of a specific type
  • DirectMailingName - Optional - People who received a specific mail piece
  • DirectMailOrganization - Optional - People who were sent a mailer from a specific Organization
  • DirectMailingDatetime - Optional - People who received a mailer during a provided datetime range
  • :Campaign - Optional - People who were sent a mailer as part of a specific Crowdskout campaign


People who received a direct mail piece from a campaign called "Mailer for Greatness":

(DirectMail = "Yes", DirectMailingName = "Mailer for Greatness")

People who were sent a postcard by Crowdskout:

(DirectMail = "Yes", DirectMailOrganization = "Crowdskout", DirectMailType = "Postcard")


People who have donated to an organization

Criterion Donation

  • Yes - People who have donated at all
  • No - People who have no donations associated with them


  • Organization - Optional - A filter that limits people based on the organization they donated to
  • Amount - Optional - A number range that filters people based on the size of their donation
  • DonationCollectionMethod - Optional - A filter that limits the people based on how they made their donation
  • DonationPaymentMethod - Optional - People who made their donation with a specific payment method
  • PoliticalParty - Optional - A filter that limits people to donations they've made to a specific political party - only returns political parties
  • DonationCampaignName - Optional - People who donated to a specific donation campaign
  • DonationRecurring - Optional - People who have made a recurring donation
  • DonationSubscriptionID - Optional - People who've made a recurring donation during a specific subscription ID
  • DonationBundlerID - Optional - People who've made a donation to a specific bundler
  • DonationExternalID - Optional - People who've made a donation with a specific external ID, ex: Stripe Charge ID
  • DonationSourceCode - Optional - People who made a donation with a specific source code
  • DonationProgram - Optional - People who made a donation with a specific program
  • DonationProgramCode - Optional - People who made a donation with a specific program code
  • DonationPackage - Optional - People who made a donation with a specific package
  • DonationPackageCode - Optional - People who made a donation with a specific package code
  • DonationFund - Optional - People who made a donation with a specific fund
  • DonationFundCode - Optional - People who made a donation with a specific fund code
  • DonationAccountCode - Optional - People who made a donation with a specific account code
  • DonationInitiativeCode - Optional - People who made a donation with a specific initiative code
  • DonationDatetime - Optional - People who made their donation during a provided datetime range
  • DonationUtmCampaign - Optional - People who made their donation after arriving from a specific UTM Campaign
  • DonationUtmMedium - Optional - People who made their donation after arriving from a specific UTM Medium
  • DonationUtmSource - Optional - People who made their donation after arriving from a specific UTM Source
  • DonationUtmContent - Optional - People who made their donation after arriving from a specific UTM Content
  • DonationUtmTerm - Optional - People who made their donation after arriving from a specific UTM Term
  • :Campaign - Optional - People who made their donation as part of a specific Crowdskout campaign


People who've ever donated:

(Donation = "Yes")

People who've made a gift to Crowdskout over $500:

(Donation = "Yes", Organization = "Crowdskout", Amount = [500, *])

People who've made an online donation to a Republican organization:

(Donation = "Yes", DonationCollectionMethod = "Online", PoliticalParty = "Republican")

People who've made a gift to Crowdskout using a check under $100 in 2012:

(Donation = "Yes", Organization = "Crowdskout", Amount = [*, 100], DonationDatetime = [2012-01-01, 2012-12-31], DonationPaymentMethod = "Check")

People who've made an online recurring donation to Crowdskout using a credit card:

(Donation = "Yes", Organization = "Crowdskout", Amount = [*, 100], DonationCollectionMethod = "Online", DonationRecurring = "Yes", DonationPaymentMethod = "Credit Card")

People who've made a donation with the source code "I306" to bundler ID "4578":

(Donation = "Yes", DonationSourceCode = "I306", DonationBundlerID = "4578")

People who've made a donation with program "HOO" to bundler ID "4578":

(Donation = "Yes", DonationProgram = "HOO", DonationBundlerID = "4578")

People who've made a donation with the program code "V540" to bundler ID "4578":

(Donation = "Yes", DonationProgramCode = "I306", DonationBundlerID = "4578")

People who've made a donation with package "Cavalier" to bundler ID "4578":

(Donation = "Yes", DonationPackage = "Cavalier", DonationBundlerID = "4578")

People who've made a donation with the package code "P434" to bundler ID "4578":

(Donation = "Yes", DonationPackageCode = "P434", DonationBundlerID = "4578")

People who've made a donation with the fund "UVA" to bundler ID "4578":

(Donation = "Yes", DonationFund = "UVA", DonationBundlerID = "4578")

People who've made a donation with the fund code "U540" to bundler ID "4578":

(Donation = "Yes", DonationFundCode = "U540", DonationBundlerID = "4578")

People who've made a donation with the account code "3333" to bundler ID "4578":

(Donation = "Yes", DonationAccountCode = "3333", DonationBundlerID = "4578")

People who've made a donation with the initiative code "I987" to bundler ID "4578":

(Donation = "Yes", DonationInitiativeCode = "I987", DonationBundlerID = "4578")

People who've made a recurring donation during the subscription identified in "abcd1234":

(Donation = "Yes", DonationRecurring = "Yes", DonationSubscriptionID = "abcd1234")

People who've made an online donation through Stripe with charge ID "abcd1234":

(Donation = "Yes", DonationCollectionMethod = "Online", DonationExternalID = "abcd1234")

Email Sends

Segments people based on whether emails were sent to them.

Criterion EmailSend

  • Yes - People who have had an email sent to them
  • No - People who have not had an email sent to them


  • Emailing - Optional - People who were sent a specific emailing
  • EmailSendOrganization - Optional - People who were sent an email by a specific organization
  • ClickedUrl - Requires Emailing filter - Optional - People who clicked a URL in an email sent to them, when paired with Emailing it restricts to people who clicked this URL in that emailing
  • Opened - Optional - People who've opened an email sent to them, when paired with Emailing it restricts to having opened that emailing
  • Clicked - Optional - People who've clicked a link an email, when paired with Emailing it restricts to having opened that emailing
  • Bounced - Optional - People who've had an email sent to them bounce, when paired with Emailing it restricts to bouncing only on that emailing
  • Unsubscribed - Optional - People who unsubscribed from an emailing sent to them, when paired with Emailing it restricts to only people who unsubscribed after getting that emailing
  • Complained - Optional - People who marked an email sent to them as spam, when paired with Emailing it restricts to only people who marked that emailing as spam
  • EmailSendService - Optional - People who were sent an email through a specific service
  • EmailSendDatetime - Optional - People who were sent an email during a provide datetime range
  • :Campaign - Optional - People who were sent an email as part of a specific Crowdskout campaign


People who were sent an emailing called "March Newsletter":

(EmailSend = "Yes", Emailing = "March Newsletter")

People who've opened an emailing sent to them by Crowdskout:

(EmailSend = "Yes", Opened = "Yes", EmailSendOrganization = "Crowdskout")

People who've clicked a URL in the "March Newsletter" sent through MailChimp:

(EmailSend = "Yes", Emailing = "March Newsletter", Clicked = "Yes", EmailSendService = "MailChimp")

People who've clicked a link to "":

(EmailSend = "Yes", ClickedUrl = "")

People who've clicked a link to "" in the emailing: "March Donor Outreach":

(EmailSend = "Yes", Emailing = "March Donor Outreach", ClickedUrl = "")

Independent Unsubscribes

Segments people who unsubscribed from a list separate from an email send

Criterion IndependentUnsubscribe

  • Yes - People who have an unsubscribe
  • No - People who do not have an unsubscribe


  • IndependentUnsubscribeList - Optional - People who unsubscibed from a particular list
  • IndependentUnsubscribeContactType - Optional - The type of unsubscribe (ie: SMS or Email)
  • IndependentUnsubscribeContactValue - Optional - The contact information of the entity that unsubscribed (ie: Phone number or e-mail)
  • IndependentUnsubscribeOrganization - Optional - People who have an unsubscribe from a specific organization
  • IndependentUnsubscribeDatetime - Optional - People who unsubscribed during a provide datetime range
  • IndependentUnsubscribeContactType - Optional - Type of contact to unsubscribe. Such as Email or Phone
  • IndependentUnsubscribeContactValue - Optional - Value of contact to unsubscribe. Such as the actual Email or Phone number
  • :Campaign - Optional - People who have an unsubscribe as part of a specific Crowdskout campaign


People who unsubscribed from a list called "March Newsletter":

(IndependentUnsubscribe = "Yes", IndependentUnsubscribeList = "March Newsletter")

People who have an unsubscribe connected to the Crowdskout organization:

(IndependentUnsubscribe = "Yes", IndependentUnsubscribeOrganization = "Crowdskout")

People who have unsubscribed from an email

(IndependentUnsubscribe = "Yes", IndependentUnsubscribeContactType = "Email")

People who have unsubscribed from a phone

(IndependentUnsubscribe = "Yes", IndependentUnsubscribeContactType = "Phone")

People who have unsubscribed from a specific phone number

(IndependentUnsubscribe = "Yes", IndependentUnsubscribeContactValue = "1231231234")

Event Attendance

Segments people who've attended an event

Criterion EventAttendance

  • Yes - People who have attended an event
  • No - People who have not attended an event


  • EventAttendanceType - Optional - People who attended a specific type of event
  • EventAttendanceOrganization - Optional - People who attended an event thrown by a specific organization
  • EventAttendanceEventName - Optional - The name of the event that was attended
  • EventAttendanceHost - Optional - People who attended an event hosted by a specific person or place
  • EventAttendanceHosted - Optional - People who either did or did not host an event
  • EventAttendanceIsHost - Optional - Whether or not the current organization is the event host
  • EventAttendanceUser - Optional - People whose event attendance was collected by a specific person
  • EventAttendanceDatetime - Optional - People who attended an event during a provided datetime range
  • :Campaign - Optional - People who attended an event as part of a specific Crowdskout campaign


People who attended an event after January 1, 2016:

(EventAttendance = "Yes", EventAttendanceDatetime = [2016-01-01,*])

People who attended a House Meeting event hosted by "George Yates":

(EventAttendance = "Yes", EventAttendanceType = "House Meeting", EventAttendanceHost = "George Yates")

People who hosted a Debate Watch Party event on February 22, 2016:

(EventAttendance = "Yes", EventAttendanceType = "Debate Watch Party", EventAttendanceDatetime = [2016-02-22,2016-02-22], EventAttendanceHosted = "Yes")

People who attended an event named "Kamp Crowdskout" thrown by "Crowdskout":

(EventAttendance = "Yes", EventAttendanceEventName = "Kamp Crowdskout", EventAttendanceOrganization = "Crowdskout")

People who attended an event and had their attendance recorded by George Yates:

(EventAttendance = "Yes", EventAttendanceUser = "George Yates")

Event Registrations

Segments people based on event(s) they've registered for

Criterion EventRegistration

  • Yes - People who have registered for any event
  • No - People who have never registered for any event


  • EventName - Optional - People who registered for a specific event
  • EventRegistrationEventType - Optional - People who registered for a specific type of event
  • EventRegistrationOrganization - Optional - People who registered for an event thrown by a specific organization
  • TicketType - Requires the EventName filter - Optional - People who registered/bought a specific type of ticket
  • EventDiscountCode - Requires the EventName filter - Optional - People who registered for an event using a specific code
  • EventRegistrationEventDate - Optional - People who registered for an event held during a provided date range
  • EventRegistrationDatetime - Optional - People who registered during a provided datetime range
  • :Campaign - Optional - People who registered for an event as part of a specific Crowdskout campaign


People who registered for an event called "New Years Eve Eve":

(EventRegistration = "Yes", EventName = "New Years Eve Eve")

People who registered for an event called "New Years Eve Eve" with a discount code "FREE":

(EventRegistration = "Yes", EventName = "New Year Eve Eve", EventDiscountCode = "FREE")

People who registered for a "Fundraiser" with a VIP ticket:

(EventRegistration = "Yes", EventRegistrationEventType = "Fundraiser", TicketType = "VIP")

People who registered a VIP ticket after March 20, 2015:

(EventRegistration = "Yes", EventRegistrationDatetime = [2015-03-20,*] TicketType = "VIP")

People who registered for an event held by Crowdskout in January 2016:

(EventRegistration = "Yes", EventRegistrationOrganization = "Crowdskout", EventRegistrationEventDate = [2016-01-01, 2016-01-31])


Segments based on people who have filled out a specific form.

Criterion Form

  • Yes - People who have submitted any form
  • No - People who have never submitted any form


  • FormOrganization - Optional - People who submitted a form hosted by a specific organization
  • FormType - Optional - People who have submitted a specific type of form
  • FormCollector - Optional - People who have submitted a form that was collected by a specific individual
  • FormCollectionMethod - Optional - People who have submitted a form using a specific method such as in person or online
  • FormName - Optional - People who submitted a specific form
  • FormQuestion Requires the FormName filter be present - Optional - People who have answered a specific question in that form
  • FormAnswer - Requires the FormQuestion filter be present - Optional - People who have given a specific answer in the form
  • FormDatetime - Optional - People who filled out the form during a provided datetime range
  • :Campaign - Optional - People who submitted a form as part of a specific Crowdskout campaign


People who filled out a form called "Crowdskout Newsletter Sign Up":

(Form = "Yes", FormName = "Crowdskout Newsletter Sign Up")

People who filled out a form hosted by Crowdskout:

(Form = "Yes", FormOrganization = "Crowdskout")

People who filled out a form called "Crowdskout Newsletter Sign Up" online before 2015:

(Form = "Yes", FormName = "Crowdskout Newsletter Sign Up", FormCollectionMethod = "Online", FormDatetime = [*,2014-12-31])

People who gave the answer "Yes" to the question "Do you like adventures?" in the "Crowdskout Newsletter Sign Up" form:

(Form = "Yes", FormName = "Crowdskout Newsletter Sign Up", FormQuestion = "Do you like adventures?", FormAnswer = "Yes")

People who answered a survey in person from George Yates:

(Form = "Yes", FormType = "Survey", FormCollector = "George Yates", FormCollectionMethod = "In Person")


Segments based on people who have had their door knocked.

Criterion Knock

  • Yes - People who have ever had their door knocked by you.
  • No - People who have not had their door knocked by you.


  • KnockOrganization - Optional - People who had a knock from a specific organization
  • DayTripName - Optional - People who had their door knocked during a specific DayTrip
  • Route - Requires the DayTripName filter - Optional - People who have had their door knocked on a specific route during a specific DayTrip
  • KnockResult - Optional People who had a specific result to their door being knocked, takes the values: Not Home, Refused, and Survey Ran
  • KnockVolunteer - Optional - People who had their door knocked by a specific volunteer
  • SurveyName - Optional - People who had a specific survey filled out when their door was knocked
  • KnockDatetime - Optional - People who had their door knocked during a provided datetime range
  • :Campaign - Optional - People who had a knock as part of a specific Crowdskout campaign


People who had their door knocked during the "Chicago Canvassing" DayTrip run by Crowdskout:

(Knock = "Yes", Name = "Chicago Canvassing", KnockOrganization = "Crowdskout")

People whose doors were knocked on, but they were not home in January 2015:

(Knock = "Yes", KnockResult = "Not Home", KnockDatetime = [2015-01-01,2015-01-31])

People whose doors were knocked on for survey "Food Survey" by volunteer "Fred Knox":

(Knock = "Yes", SurveyName = "Food Survey", KnockVolunteer = "Fred Knox")


People who have a face to face meeting tracked in Crowdskout.

Criterion Meeting

Takes a "Yes" value for people who have had a meeting.


  • MeetingOrganization - Optional - People who had a meeting with a member of a specific organization
  • MeetingUser - Optional - People who had a meeting with a specific user
  • MeetingType - Optional - People who had a specific type of meeting
  • MeetingPurpose - Optional - People who had a meeting with a specific purpose
  • MeetingLocation - Optional - People who had a meeting in a specific location
  • MeetingDatetime - Optional - People who had a meeting during a specific datetime range
  • :Campaign - Optional - People who had a meeting as part of a specific Crowdskout campaign


People who have had a face-to-face meeting with someone from Crowdskout:

(Meeting = "Yes", MeetingOrganization = "Crowdskout")

People who have had a general face to face meeting with George Yates after March 2nd, 2016:

(Meeting = "Yes", MeetingUser = "George Yates", MeetingDatetime = [2016-03-02,*])

People who had a meeting to discuss volunteering in the office:

(Meeting = "Yes", MeetingPurpose = "Volunteering", MeetingLocation = "Office")


People who have a note written about them inside Crowdskout

Criterion Note

Takes a "Yes" value for people who have a note about them


  • NoteAuthor - Optional - People who had a note written about them by a specific author
  • NoteDatetime - Optional - People who had a note written about them during a specific datetime range


People who have a note about them written by George Yates:

(Note = "Yes", NoteAuthor = "George Yates")

People who had a note written about them in 2016:

(Note = "Yes", NoteDatetime = [2016-01-01, 2016-12-31])

Page Views

People who have a page view attached to them

Criterion PageView

  • Yes - People who have viewed your web page
  • No - People who have not view your web page


  • PageViewOrganization - Optional - People who have viewed a web page hosted by a specific organization
  • Url - Optional - Only people who've seen a specific web page, URLs will be stripped of
  • PageViewUtm - Optional - Yes/No - Only people who've viewed a web page with any utm tag
  • PageViewUtmSource - Requires the PageViewUtm filter - Optional - Only people who've viewed a web page with a specific utm source tag
  • PageViewUtmMedium - Requires the PageViewUtm filter - Optional - Only people who've viewed a web page with a specific utm medium tag
  • PageViewUtmCampaign - Requires the PageViewUtm filter - Optional - Only people who've viewed a web page with a specific utm campaign tag
  • PageViewUtmTerm - Requires the PageViewUtm filter - Optional - Only people who've viewed a web page with a specific utm term tag
  • PageViewUtmContent - Requires the PageViewUtm filter - Optional - Only people who've viewed a web page with a specific utm content tag
  • Platform - Optional - Only people who've viewed a web page on a specific browsing platform
  • PageViewDatetime - Optional - People who've viewed your website during a provide datetime range
  • :Campaign - Optional - People who viewed a web page as part of a specific Crowdskout campaign


People who have ever visited Crowdskout's web page:

(PageView = "Yes", PageViewOrganization = "Crowdskout")

People who have visited your web site on a mobile device before January 3, 2015:

(PageView = "Yes", Platform = "Mobile", PageViewDatetime = [*,2015-01-03])

People who visited "" sometime between November 1, 2014 and November 31, 2014:

(PageView = "Yes", Url = "", PageViewDatetime = [2014-11-01, 2014-11-31])

People who visited a web page with the a utm_source tag of "email":

(PageView = "Yes", PageViewUtm = "Yes", PageViewUtmSource = "email")

Social Share

People who have performed a social share

Criterion SocialShare

  • Yes - People who have shared something to social platforms
  • No - People who have not shared something to social platforms


  • SocialShareUrl - Optional - People who have shared this specific URL to social platforms
  • ShareService - Optional - People who have shared to a specific service
  • SocialShareDatetime - Optional - People who've shared something during a provided datetime range
  • :Campaign - Optional - People who shared something as part of a specific Crowdskout campaign


People who have ever shared crowdskout's webpage to a social service:

(SocialShare = "Yes", SocialShareUrl = "")

People who have shared something to Facebook before January 3, 2015:

(SocialShare = "Yes", ShareService = "Facebook", SocialShareDatetime = [*,2015-01-03])

Social Engage

People who have engaged with a social platform

Criterion SocialEngage

  • Yes - People who have engaged with a social platform
  • No - People who have not engaged with a social platform


  • SocialEngageEngages - Optional - People who have engaged with a social service in a specific way
  • EngageService - Optional - People who have engaged with a specific service
  • SocialEngageDatetime - Optional - People who've engaged with a social platform during a provided datetime range
  • :Campaign - Optional - People who engaged with something as part of a specific Crowdskout campaign

People who have engaged with something on Facebook before January 3, 2015:

(SocialEngage = "Yes", EngageService = "Facebook", SocialEngageDatetime = [*,2015-01-03])

Video Plays

Segments people based on embedded videos they've watched

Criterion VideoPlay

  • Yes - People who have watched any video
  • No - People who have never watched any video


  • VideoPlayOrganization - Optional - People who watched a video created or distributed by a specific organization
  • VideoService - Optional - People who watched a video hosted by a specific service
  • VideoTitle - Optional - People who watched a specific video
  • VideoURL - Optional - People who watched a video at a specific URL
  • VideoFinished - Optional - People who finished a video, combines with VideoTitle to segment people who finished a specific video
  • VideoPlayDatetime - Optional - People who watched a video during a provided datetime range
  • :Campaign - Optional - People who watched a video as part of a specific Crowdskout campaign


People who watched a video entitled "Ducks on Roombas" at "":

(VideoPlay = "Yes", VideoTitle = "Ducks on Roombas", VideoURL = "")

People who started, but did not finish a video entitled "Ducks on Roombas" before August 15, 2014:

(VideoPlay = "Yes", VideoTitle = "Ducks on Roombas", VideoPlayDatetime = [*,2014-08-15], VideoFinished = "No")

People who watched a video embedded from YouTube distributed by Crowdskout:

(VideoPlay = "Yes", VideoService = "YouTube", VideoPlayOrganization = "Crowdskout")

Phone Calls

Segments people who've received a phone call.

Criterion PhoneCall

  • Yes - People who have ever received a call
  • No - People who have never received a call


  • PhoneCallOrganization - Optional - People who received a call from an organization
  • PhoneCallType - Optional - People who received a call of a specific type
  • PhoneCallName - Optional - People who received a specific phone call
  • CallResult - Optional - People who picked up, did not answer, etc. When paired with PhoneCallName it segments only people who had the result in that campaign
  • CallLength - Optional - People who received a call of a specific duration
  • PhoneCallUser - Optional - People who made the phone call
  • PhoneCallDatetime - Optional - People who received a phone call during a provided datetime range
  • :Campaign - Optional - People who received a call as part of a specific Crowdskout campaign


People who received a robocall for a campaign called "Robocall for Greatness":

(PhoneCall = "Yes", PhoneCallName = "Robocall for Greatness", PhoneCallType = "Robocall")

People who answered a phone call July 15, 2015 or earlier:

(PhoneCall = "Yes", CallResult = "Picked Up", PhoneCallDatetime = [*,2015-07-15])

People who received a phone call from John Smith July 15, 2015 or later:

(PhoneCall = "Yes", PhoneCallUser = "John Smith", PhoneCallDatetime = [2015-07-15,*])

People who received a call from Crowdskout that lasted over a minute:

(PhoneCall = "Yes", PhoneCallOrganization = "Crowdskout", CallLength = [60, *])

Third Party Submissions

Segments people who filled out a non-Crowdskout form on a web page

Criterion ThirdPartySubmission

  • Yes - People who have filled out a non-Crowdskout form
  • No - People who have never filled out a non-Crowdskout form


  • ThirdPartySubmissionOrganization - Optional - People who filled out a non-Crowdskout form hosted by a specific organization
  • ThirdPartySubmissionUrl - Optional - People who filled out a non-Crowdskout form on a specific URL
  • ThirdPartySubmissionDatetime - Optional - People who filled out a non-Crowdskout form during a provided datetime range
  • :Campaign - Optional - People who filled out a non-Crowdskout form as part of a specific Crowdskout campaign


People who filled out a form on hosted by Google:

(ThirdPartySubmission = "Yes", ThirdPartySubmissionUrl = "", ThirdPartySubmissionOrganization = "Google")

People who filled out a form June 1, 2015 or later:

(ThirdPartySubmission = "Yes", ThirdPartySubmissionDatetime = [2015-06-01,*])

Voter Registration Interaction

Segments people who've registered to vote with the client

Criterion VoterRegistrationInteraction

  • Yes - People who have a voter registration interaction
  • No - People who do not have a voter registration interaction


  • VoterRegistrationOrganization - Optional - The organization this voter registration was collected for
  • VoterRegistrationType - Optional - People who filled out a specific type of voter registration
  • VoterRegistrationParty - Optional - People who registered for a specific political party
  • VoterRegistrationCollector - Optional - People who registered with a specific individual
  • VoterRegistrationLead - Optional - The person who lead the collection effort, may not be the individual who registered voter
  • VoterRegistrationRole - Optional - The role of the individual collecting the registration
  • VoterRegistrationLocation - Optional - The location where the registration was collected
  • VoterRegistrationLocationType - Optional - The location type where the registration was collected
  • VoterRegistrationPetitionType - Optional - The type of petition that was signed when the individual was registered to vote
  • VoterRegistrationDatetime - Optional - People who registered to vote during a provided datetime range
  • :Campaign - Optional - People who registered to vote as part of a specific Crowdskout campaign


People who registered in 2016 for "GoTV":

(VoterRegistrationInteraction = "Yes", VoterRegistrationDatetime = [2016-01-01,2016-12-31], VoterRegistrationOrganization = "GoTV")

People who filled out a "Change of Address" registration, and registered for the Republican party:

(VoterRegistrationInteraction = "Yes", VoterRegistrationType = "Change of Address", VoterRegistrationParty = "Republican")

People who had their registration collected by an RLI Staffer, "James Keary" under the direction or "George Yates":

(VoterRegistrationInteraction = "Yes", VoterRegistrationCollector = "James Keary", VoterRegistrationLead = "George Yates", VoterRegistrationRole = "RLI Staffer")

People who registered to vote after signing a School Choice petition at an event:

(VoterRegistrationInteraction = "Yes", VoterRegistrationPetitionType = "School Choice", VoterRegistrationLocationType = "Event")

People who registered to vote at PS 138:

(VoterRegistrationInteraction = "Yes", VoterRegistrationLocation = "PS 138")